a man had recently become
assistant to the pastor at a church in a
large city on his first day of work he
reported to the pastor’s office today I
would like you to go to the poor areas
in our city and pray with the less
fortunate there the pastor tells him so
the man sets out to the South part of
their city and prays with many people
that that day one of the people he
speaks with the most is a woman of the
night I’ve done a lot of bad things in
my life I don’t think the Lord would
ever want to talk to me says the woman
nonsense the lord loves all people what
is your name dear toy green she replies
please miss green come to our church
this Sunday and you will see there is a
spot for you in the Lord’s House the
woman agrees and the man goes back to
the pastor the next day to report his
day there was one woman toy green who I
invited to join us for this Sunday
sermon I must warn you though sir she is
a woman of the night and has done
Unthinkable acts no matter all are
welcome in our church the pastor replies
that Sunday the assistant pastor P joins
the pastor on stage while people pour in
the doors to fill the pews just as
things are quieting down a woman comes
through the door wearing a tight
miniskirt that is quite revealing the
woman walks down the aisle and plops
down right in the front Pew with her
legs spread apart the pastor leans over
to the assistant pastor and asks is that
toy green the assistant pastor glances
over and says no sir I think that’s just
the way the stained glass is shining on
it so I would like to give you all some
advice to always wear underwear in
public especially when working under
your vehicle