a guy goes into a brothel and
says to the Madame I want something
kinky so she takes him to a room with a
barewood floor and a tiny light bulb
hanging on a string in the middle is a
milk crate with a chicken sitting on it
guy says are you serious Madam says
you’ve already paid I don’t care what
you do take it or leave it so he decides
to go for it he has a great time the
bird is clucking flapping its wings
flailing its legs and the guy is loving
it he goes back a few days later and
asks for the same Madam says that room
is booked solid today but I have
something else you’ll like she takes him
to a room where there’s a bunch of
people sitting around a two-way mirror
on the other side of it is a huge woman
only orgy with whips chains shaving
cream and toys everywhere guy sits down
and says wow this is amazing old man
next to him replies you think this is
amazing last week there was a guy in
there screwing a chicken