a wise old farmer wanted to teach
his young 18-year-old son about
entrepreneurship and resourcefulness to
test the boy skills he handed him a duck
and challenged him take this to the town
my son by the time you return make sure
you are in a better position than when
you started taking up the challenge with
enthusiasm the sun began his journey
towards the a bustling town as he walked
pondering how he might profit from the
duck he chanced upon a lady who by
profession provided company to lonely
Souls intrigued by the lad in his duck
she approached him with a hint of
Mischief the son proposed I want to we
strike a deal 15 minutes of your time in
exchange for this fine duck it wasn’t
every day that such a peculiar barter
proposition came her way but seeing the
uniqueness of the situation she accepted
upon spending time together the lady
found herself highly impressed with the
young man’s Vigor and charm so much so
that she made another proposition if
you’re up for another round I’ll give
you back the duck she suggested with a
wink elated by this turn of events the
boy found himself in the same position
as before still having the duck and also
having had a memorable experience
however the day Adventures weren’t over
as he walked back towards his village a
sudden noise from a nearby construction
site startled the duck the panicked bird
flew straight into the road Road right
into the path of a speeding truck
tragically the duck met its end the
truck driver a kind-hearted man jumped
out and approached the boy seeing the
dead duck and the crest Fallen face of
the young lad he felt responsible
wanting to make amends he handed the boy
a note here he said handing over 10B I’m
truly sorry for your loss by evening the
young lad returned home the father eager
to hear about his son’s day asked well
how did your day un fold the son replied
pretty good I I for a duck a duck
for a and 10 lb for a up Duck