Anthony’s mother and father were making love together suddenly their son
catch them in the middle of their action after that their son’s curiosity
got the best of him he wanted to ask his father Dad how many types of tears are
there the father surprised response well son a woman goes through three phases in
her 20s a woman’s breasts are like melons round and firm in her 30s and 40s
they are like pear still nice hanging a bit after 50 they are like onions onions
the son asks yes you see them and they make you cry this infuriated his sister when
she heard this conversation the daughter asks her mom mom how many various
sort of wheelies are there the mother smiles and says well dear a man goes through
three stages also in his 20s his Willie is like an oak tree Mighty and hard in
his 30s and 40s it’s like a birch flexible but reliable after his 50s it’s
like a Christmas tree a Christmas tree the daughter asks yes dead from the
root toop and the bowls are just for decoration